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Silverseas Far Flung Expeditions

Silversea's Far-Flung Expeditions

Hot Picks for 2023

Le Bougainville

Silversea's new expedition ship, Le Bougainville, is set to sail on her maiden voyage in 2023. The ship will offer a range of itineraries to far-flung destinations such as the Arctic, Antarctica, and the Amazon.

Ponant Studio

Ponant's new expedition ship, Ponant Studio, is also set to sail in 2023. The ship will offer a range of more intimate, off-the-beaten path itineraries to destinations such as the Seychelles, Papua New Guinea, and the Marquesas.

Clement Louineau

Clement Louineau is a new expedition ship from Compagnie du Ponant. The ship will offer a range of itineraries to destinations such as the Arctic, Antarctica, and the Amazon.
